Our flagship conference, Recreation Conference brings the recreation sector together each November.

At Recreation Conference 2024, we'll explore the theme 'He Manu Tukutuku'.

He Manu Tukutuku refers to the kites that have traditionally been used as a form of recreation by Māori. They are influenced and moved by pressures within the external environment and require skilled leadership to understand the conditions and effectively adjust to keep the kite soaring high.

We'll use this metaphor of He Manu Tukutuku to consider the influences and pressures from our external environment and the strength and adaptability of our sector.

Whakawaho – looking outward

What are the external factors - environmental, technological, social, economic, legal and political - influencing our sector? What should we know about them and how should we lead?

Whakaroto – looking inward

What do we need to for a sustainable and successful sector? Explore adaptability, resources, mātauranga / knowledge, leadership, partnership, diversity and inclusion, and evolving business models.

Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu

Adorn the bird with feathers and it will fly.


Due Drop Events Centre
Great South Road 770
Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to maryanne@nzrecreation.org.nz

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