Select your ticket(s). If you have any questions, please contact us.
Ticket Name
Total %
Member - Full Registration
This includes both conference days and all social functions, including the awards dinner. Field Trips are an optional extra. Valid for paid Recreation Aotearoa Members at the time of registration.
Early Bird pricing is valid until 18 July at 5pm.
Member Early Bird Price Limited to 8 Membership Type(s).
This includes both conference days and all social functions, including the awards dinner. Field Trips are an optional extra. Valid for paid Recreation Aotearoa Members at the time of registration.
This includes both conference days and all social functions, including the awards dinner. Field Trips are an optional extra.
Early Bird pricing is valid until 18 July at 5pm.
Early Bird Price
Non-Member - Full Registration
This includes both conference days and all social functions, including the awards dinner. Field Trips are an optional extra.
Early Bird pricing is valid until 18 July at 5pm.
Standard Price
Wednesday 20 August Registration ONLY - Member
This is for all conference sessions on Wednesday 20 August ONLY, including the Welcome Function. This rate is for paid members at the time of registration.
This is for all conference sessions on Thursday 21 August ONLY. This does NOT include the awards dinner. These tickets can be purchased separately. This rate is for paid members at the time of registration.
Wednesday 20 August Registration ONLY - Non-Member
This is for all conference sessions on Wednesday 20 August ONLY, including the Welcome Function.
Standard Price
Thursday 21 August Registration ONLY - Non-Member
This includes all conference sessions on Thursday 21 August ONLY. This does NOT include the awards dinner. These tickets can be purchased separately.
Standard Price
Awards Dinner Ticket ONLY
This is if you require to come to the awards dinner. This can be purchased in conjunction with a day only registration or as stand alone.
Standard Price
Trade Registration - Complimentary
This is for those who have already booked a trade booth. This is the ONE Complimentary registration that you receive with your trade booth package. This DOES include the Welcome Drinks Function and the Awards Dinner.
This is for those who have purchased a trade booth. There is a limit of 2 per booth. This includes both conference days but DOES NOT include the awards dinner. Dinner tickets can be purchased separately.
Standard Price
SPEAKER - Session Only
This is for any confirmed speakers at Waves Conference. This is for those who intend to present their session and attend no other part of conference.
SPEAKER - Wednesday 20 August ONLY
Valid for any confirmed speaker at Waves Conference. For those speakers who intend to attend Wednesday 20 August only. This includes the Welcome Function. Automatically includes the 20% speaker discount.
Standard Price
SPEAKER - Thursday 21 August ONLY
Valid for any confirmed speaker at Waves Conference. For those speakers who intend to attend Thursday 21 August only. This includes DOES NOT include an Awards Dinner ticket. These can be purchased separately. Automatically includes the 20% speaker discount.
Standard Price
SPEAKER - Full Registration
Valid for confirmed Waves Conference speakers only. Includes both conference days and all social functions including the awards dinner. Field Trips are optional extras. Includes the 20% speaker discount.
Standard Price
Field Trip One
Valid for Field Trip One on Friday 22 August 2025. All field trips will finish at the airport no later than 3pm.
Standard Price
Field Trip Two
Valid for Field Trip Two on Friday 22 August 2025. All field trips will finish at the airport no later than 3pm.