Sarah, Jenny and Brittany Recreation Aotearoa/Generate NZ – Presenting on the Te Whai Oranga Strategy and seeking insights and input as part of the review. They will also update people on the programmes and the work Generate NZ is undertaking
Dr Play - Damien will share his journey from daffodil farmer to becoming a passionate play advocate, illustrating how his academic background and diverse roles, including youth leadership, global parkour governance, to local play advocacy, have shaped his belief in the transformative power of play. Together, we'll discover how integrating play into our cities and lives can enhance wellbeing, foster creativity, and create more vibrant communities for all ages.
Tarsy Koentges, Parks, Cemeteries and Heritage Officer, QLDC. Tarsy will give us some insight into what is involved in working in the Cemeteries and Heritage space, focusing in on the response and learnings to a severe weather event that affected the Queenstown Cemetery / Te Urupā o Tāhuna in September 2023.
Carly Getson, CODC Aquatics Manager – Carly will share with you her career story in sport, recreation and facilities, from ski instructor in Canada to Aquatics Manager at Central Otago District Council in New Zealand, and all the layers and hurdles in-between.
Mark Roberts shall explore the makeup of a community, what one is and how to leverage collective knowledge. By targeting key groups and learning equally from what is and is not said we can build a picture. As tempting as it may be, there is no need to sell your soul, dash it on the rocks, or drown it under a bottle.
The social night is up the gondola and there will be a presentation about adopt a plot from Whakatipu Wilding Group Volunteer Coordinator.
Bishop Ngobeli – Coming all the way from Johannesburg, South Africa to present on the reflections, understanding and awareness Greening of Africa and role of public open spaces before and after COVID-19 in Africa – and to share information about the World Urban Parks Africa Program and the Presidential 10 Million Tree Planting Program.
Jana Davis (Te Tapu o Tāne) and Mike Rewi (Mana Tāhuna) are presenting at Lake Hayes around the restoration work here as well as other projects which lead positive systemic changes for the community and te Taiao