Registration will close October 18, 2024 at

"E Para E! Tītoko o te ao Marama!"

"Oh Para, the pillar and beckon of the world of light!"

Ngā Niho Taniwha ki Te Arawa based in Rotorua, will explore the "Supernatural" origins of Volcanic & Geothermal Activity from a Te Arawa-Centric point of view, utilising our Pūrākau, Whakapapa, and Taiao, visiting sites of cultural significance to illustrate the importance of environmental/ taiao engagement for overall physical, mental, emotional, and cultural health and wellbeing.

Come and experience Rotorua through the Ngā Niho Taniwha kaupapa. Take away new perspectives and a deeper understanding of recreation through a Māori lens. Create new relationships with people and place. Gain insights into how you can apply Te Whai Oranga in your mahi, and your life.

Ngā Niho Taniwha was developed as a response to the recreation sector's desires to develop an understanding of te ao Māori, this kaupapa aims to bridge the cultural and systemic gaps within our recreation sector. Ngā Niho Taniwha and the name derives from ngā whare toi / houses of arts. It speaks to the many teeth of the taniwha and it embodies the aspirations and the needs of the recreation sector to strive for balance and wellbeing.

By working closely and partnering with kaupapa Māori champions and experts from different regions we can offer culturally distinct approaches that we believe will help you understand what we mean when we talk about Te Whai Oranga, Kaupapa, Taiao, Atua and so forth. We are proud partner with Te Papa Tākaro o te Arawa. We believe it highlights and connects people to their philosophies and encourages more locally-led initiatives.  

At the foundation of this kaupapa we aim to build capability in Rangatahi Māori, we have designed this programme where we encourage tuakana teina, and tuku ihotanga to happen through combining Rangatahi with pakeke (adults) in a wānanga environment. Participants will gain a deeper appreciation of te taiao / natural world and recreation from a perspective of te ao Māori. 

Ngā Niho Taniwha is focused on enhancing capacity and capability in mātauranga Māori / Māori knowledge through a variety of practices: 

  • Tākaro Māori / traditional play
  • Ngā mahi a Rēhia / traditional recreation and play within the recreation space.
  • Korikori tīnana/ physical activity 

Ngā Niho Taniwha is more than a programme. It's an opportunity to ignite a passion for culturally responsive recreation. Through our collective journey, we'll rediscover the true essence of recreation, weaving together traditional practices with contemporary approaches. We'll cultivate a culture of inclusivity, respect, and connection within the recreation sector, contributing to a more enriching and meaningful experience for all.

Ētehi atu kōrero - more on the Wānanga

This is not your ordinary professional development course, nor it is a Te tiriti o Waitangi course, it is real life opportunities to practice Te Whai oranga. Ngā Niho Taniwha Wānanga is an invitation to step in new comfort zones, shift the paradigm of recreation and embrace a holistic approach that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. Together, we'll challenge conventional notions and co-create a vision of recreation that aligns with Aotearoa.

This kaupapa revolves around fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of traditional Māori recreational activities while forging connections with contemporary practices. By participating in the Wānanga, you will engage in a diverse range of activities including

  • taonga pūoro / Māori instruments
  • te reo Māori
  • Kori tinana / physical activity
  • Ngā mahi a te Rēhia
  • Mahi toi / Arts

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to visit local wāhi / sites of cultural significance and delve into captivating pūrākau / cultural narratives.

Ngā Niho Taniwha programmes are designed in a manner that incorporates pūrakau and whakapapa centred thinking into the programme content, the dynamic nature of each programme is a testament to the adaptability needed to be nature centred.