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Mihi Whakatau

Mana Whenua

Mayoral Opening
Deputy Mayor Tui Lewis

Hutt City Council

  • Deputy Mayor Tui Lewis (Hutt City Council)

    Deputy Mayor Tui Lewis

    Hutt City Council
Paramanawa/ Morning Tea

Exhibiton Hall - Ground Floor

Opening KeynoteDrowning in Neglect: How many is too Many?
Daniel Gerrard

In his keynote address, Daniel Gerrard, CEO of Water Safety New Zealand, will deliver an impassioned call to action, urging the audience to confront the harsh realities of New Zealand’s persistent drowning challenge. Gerrard will draw from his deeply personal and provocative writings, highlighting the emotional toll and human cost of drowning tragedies that have stubbornly persisted, with an average of 85 deaths annually over the past two decades.

Invoking the Shirky Principle, Gerrard will question whether we are more invested in organisational survival than in solving the problem of drowning. He will argue for a fundamental shift towards a Kiwi-focused model that prioritises those most at risk, advocating for a customer-based approach over organisational survival. Highlighting the disparity in funding between high-visibility campaigns and long-term preventive measures, Gerrard will emphasise the need for sustainable prevention, intergenerational change through education, skill-building, and targeted support for high-risk groups and locations.

Gerrard will reflect on the critical question, “How many is too many?” to underscore the ongoing need for a cultural shift in attitudes towards water safety. This powerful message aims to remind colleagues, partners and those ‘in charge’ of the importance of water safety and the collective effort required to prevent drownings.

“How many is too many?”

  • Daniel Gerrard (Chief Executive at Water Safety New Zealand)

    Daniel Gerrard

    Chief Executive at Water Safety New Zealand
Our Worst Fear RealisedKey Learning from Tragedy
Rowan Foley

Would your health and safety management system stand up to scrutiny after a drowning fatality in your
pool? Learn from Christchurch City Council’s tragedy to help prevent your own.
On a 29-degree day, three days before Christmas in 2021, the outdoor Waltham Lido Pool was full of
school holiday leisure swimmers. A five-year-old girl used the pool’s beached entry and progressively
made her way towards the deep part of the pool until it was over her head. Unseen by anyone, she
struggled for her life, alone in the crowd, and finally drowned. Despite the best efforts of staff and
paramedics to revive her, she was pronounced dead at the scene. The aftermath and proceeding
investigation produced a number of learning and improvement opportunities.
This presentation will cover what happened and how, key learning, and improvements made to reduce the
risk of future drownings.

  • Rowan Foley (Aquatic Manager at Christchurch City Council)

    Rowan Foley

    Aquatic Manager at Christchurch City Council
Ākonga WhakanuiaCelebrating our learners
Tracey HickmanCarmena WongJude Bell WhiteHolly Ramsay

Te Mahi Ako is thrilled to honour ākonga in the Senior Pool Lifeguard qualification.
Reflecting on their experiences and sharing of their expertise. Three lifeguards will be showcasing their
pūkenga on a range of qualification topics from self-awareness in leadership, pool safe preparations and
their research overview of aquatics in New Zealand.
Celebrating ākonga would be incomplete without acknowledging those who offered guidance, support,
and opportunities along their journey. Their workplaces, mentors and assessors.
Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini
My success is not mine alone, but it is the strength of many.

  • Tracey Hickman (National Learner Advisor - aquatics at Te Mahi Ako)

    Tracey Hickman

    National Learner Advisor - aquatics at Te Mahi Ako
  • Carmena Wong (Auckland City Council)

    Carmena Wong

    Auckland City Council
  • Jude Bell White (Lido Aquatic Centre)

    Jude Bell White

    Lido Aquatic Centre
  • Holly Ramsay (Clutha District Council)

    Holly Ramsay

    Clutha District Council
Wā Kai/Lunch

Exhibition Hall - Ground Floor

Float First for AotearoaFirst response for survival
Tamsin O'Sullivan

Floating as a first response for survival is an internationally recognised and research backed competence
that has relevance across the entire water safety sector. DPA introduced Float first as an educational
campaign for World Drowning Prevention Day in 2023 and launched a Float first Advisory group in March
Float first builds on the foundation of floating being the first action in any instance. It provides a
consistent life-saving message that is relevant for everyone and for any scenario, should someone find
themselves in difficulty in the water. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest that floating should be
taught first when teaching swimming and water confidence. The importance of floating is also highlighted
in the redesigned New Zealand water safety code, launched in 2024, which includes ‘Know how to float’ as
its first message. Floating is also one of the 15 water competencies for drowning prevention that
underpins DPA education.
DPA created four Float first messages as a memorable sequence (included in the DPA link below). The
development of the campaign has benefited from the research and long running campaign by the RNLI in
the UK with many lives saved as a result of their campaign, Float to Live.
Float first provides a clear message that resonates for audiences, with educational content developed for
online, pool and classroom settings. Schools, aquatic facilities, and workplaces around the country
promoted and taught Float first on World Drowning Prevention Day, with many showing their support by
going blue on the day!
This important water safety campaign will continue as we work to grow awareness and educate the nation
to Float first. The presentation will cover the Float first framework (showing campaign components)
agreed by the Float first Advisory group for Aotearoa, along with key messages and educational resources.

  • Tamsin O'Sullivan (Drowning Prevention Auckland)

    Tamsin O'Sullivan

    Drowning Prevention Auckland
Te Awe Māpara Beyond the eye for Wellington’s Aquatics
Anita Coy-MackenMat BialyKristine Ford

In 2023, Wellington City Council adopted Te Awe Māpara to guide provision across seven types of community facilities including aquatics. Te Awe Māpara, beyond the eye, encourages us to ponder or consider what is possible and to think about how things could be. This is the spirit in which the plan was developed to set the foundation to evolve Wellington’s network towards thriving and accessible community facilities – where people connect, have fun and belong.
In this session, we will outline Wellington City Council’s integrated approach for community facilities and highlight key findings from the aquatics’ needs analysis underpinning the future direction for Wellington’s aquatic facilities.

  • Anita Coy-Macken (Senior Consultant at Visitor Solutions)

    Anita Coy-Macken

    Senior Consultant at Visitor Solutions
  • MB

    Mat Bialy

    Recreation Facilities Manager at Wellington City Council
  • KF

    Kristine Ford

    Principal Policy Advisor at Wellington City Council
Open Water Safety Education Across OtagoA better prepared community
Dr Tina van DuijnDr Chris Button

Over the last decade the University of Otago has developed a water safety education programme for
children that is delivered in different aquatic environments (e.g., pools, lakes, beaches, rivers, etc.). This
programme aligns well with the national Water Skills for Life initiative as children are taught transferable
knowledge and skills (such as safe entry/exit, floating, and rescue techniques) and not just how to swim
certain strokes. Last Summer (Jan-March, 2024) we investigated the logistical challenges of implementing
the programme in different places (i.e., South, Central and North Otago) and with different providers. We
also wanted to find out how appealing the programme would be to families from remote locations and
also those that might be unable to afford private swimming lessons. Coordinators based at private
swimming schools in Queenstown, Oamaru, and from a Surf Life Saving Club in Kaka Point were
contracted to deliver the free programme. Across the three locations, 80 children volunteered to take part
over 4-5 days. Focus group interviews with education providers revealed they were very happy with the
logistical side of delivering the programme particularly as it was the first time that many had taught
outside of a swimming pool. However, it was acknowledged that experienced/qualified educators were
necessary to help teach the open water activities. The families were surveyed about their perspectives,
and also whether the children felt more confident to swim in different aquatic locations. Many participants
commented on how different and valuable the programmes were compared to traditional, pool-based
swimming lessons and that they felt better prepared to recreate in the different locations the programme
was taught. In this presentation we will discuss the implications of this study for children’s water safety
education across Aotearoa.

  • Dr Tina van Duijn (University of Otago)

    Dr Tina van Duijn

    University of Otago
  • Dr Chris Button (Associate Professor at University of Otago)

    Dr Chris Button

    Associate Professor at University of Otago
Paramanawa/Afternoon Tea

Exhibition Hall - Ground Floor

Developing your Safety SenseThe case for chronic unease
Alex Calwell

The aquatic environment is a difficult one to master, it requires a lot of complex systems to come together
to go right. Central to this is our people and ensuring that their approach to work carries a safety sense
throughout. Developing your safety sense introduces the concept of Chronic Unease and how it can
utilised in your operation to ensure there is a healthy approach to safety to overcome complacency in your
systems and your people.

  • Alex Calwell (Thrive Spaces & Places)

    Alex Calwell

    Thrive Spaces & Places
Kauora ki Otaki PoolsThe Strength in Partnership
Shelley AshtonTerina RauretiKiri Winiata-Enoka

Kauora is a whānau (family) derived theory and praxis of swimming that is based on whānau pūrākau
(narratives) and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) to flourish health and well-being in and around the
water environment (Raureti, 2023).
In Ōtaki specifically, whānau are innately awa (river) people who have intergenerationally engaged in the
Waitohu and Ōtaki rivers for sustainability and hauora (well-being) purposes. Despite this, whānau have
had limited access to learn to swim programmes or water safety initiatives that reflect how they use and
understand the water (Raureti, 2023). Therefore, Kauora was created to address this gap and create a
programme that works for whānau, kura (Māori schools) and kōhanga (Māori pre-school).
To develop the Kauora programme, we have been working closely with Ōtaki pools staff and management
who provide resources, equipment and staff to support this programme.
The strength of community & whānau in our coastal home of Ōtaki has 41.4% Māori population. Being
new to the role I was saddened by how poor local attendance was.
At the time, our ‘conventional’ Learn to Swim programme was delivered and communicated in English?
Immediately, we were not ‘speaking’ to, or meeting the needs or aspirations of almost half of our
community and that needed to change. Since meeting Terina, we have provided space, resources and
equipment for Kauora to operate, and we are working towards changing the landscape of accessible water
safety back to what it should be for whānau.
This talk will discuss the strength of working in partnership from the perspectives of Kauora lead Terina
Raureti, Ōtaki Pools manager Shelley Ashton, and learn to swim instructor Kiri Winiata-Enoka. We will each
discuss our unique contributions to this kaupapa and how we operate collaboratively to deliver and
engage whānau in Ōtaki.

  • Shelley Ashton (Aquatics Outreach & Ōtaki Pool Manager at Kapiti Coast District Council)

    Shelley Ashton

    Aquatics Outreach & Ōtaki Pool Manager at Kapiti Coast District Council
  • Terina Raureti (University of Otago)

    Terina Raureti

    University of Otago
  • Kiri Winiata-Enoka (Kapiti Coast District Council)

    Kiri Winiata-Enoka

    Kapiti Coast District Council
Day One Wrap Up
Welcome Drinks

Sponsored by Coombes Aquatics Ltd

Exhibiton Hall - Ground Floor

The Coombes Aquatics Quiz!

Plenary Room - Ground Floor

Day Two Conference Opening
Preparing Lifeguards for SuccessCreating strong interpersonal connections for retention
Christopher Rivera

Retention within the Aquatic and Recreation industry is an international issue.
But how can we turn the tide?
Setting Lifeguards for Success and creating and establishing meaningful relationships.
There has been failure to provide Lifeguards the confidence to perform there role from the onboarding
A misconception of the role and the purpose is plays.
Leaders fail to create a culture of meaning and purpose. The outcome then becomes a high turnover.
Through life experiences and a strong understanding of Emotional Intelligence this session aims to
empower change.
It will assist in the empowerment of managers, leaders and Lifeguards to create a culture of meaning and
purpose. Create an environment of success and ensure a higher retention rate and a higher attendance
rate for in-service trainings.

  • Christopher Rivera (Symbiotic Consultancy)

    Christopher Rivera

    Symbiotic Consultancy
H20 Xtream, Below the Surfacean indepth dive into the upgrade of H20 Xtream
Royce Williams

H2O Xtream redevelopment, taking a dive below the surface of our redevelopment to talk about the
business case, the process we went through as a council, including community consultation.
The design alterations as a result of community consultation and budgetary constraints.
Why we decided to continue to retain our staff throughout the process, how we managed expectations of
public / staff over the journey. During these discussions we found that there was a desire to ensure a
provision of aquatics for the community during the redevelopment.
Discussions with other regionally councils around what we provided in Upper Hutt for aquatics and how
they felt around the provisions of aquatic space in the Wellington Region.
What challenges we faced during the project timeline, did we manage them to meet the customer and
staffing expectations.
Marketing and engagement throughout the project for public and staff, including in the 2018 – 2028 and
2021 – 2031 LTP.
Restaffing for the new facility, how that is going.

  • Royce Williams (Upper Hutt City Council)

    Royce Williams

    Upper Hutt City Council
Paramanawa/Morning Tea

Exhibition Hall - Ground Floor

TaurikuraA kaupapa Māori approach to swimming confidence
Tomairangi Higgins

Taurikura is a kaupapa Māori programme that draws on Mātauranga Māori and the maramataka to
support the growth and development of a child through swimming. The Taurikura kaupapa enables māmā,
pēpi and whānau to connect to waiora through a kaupapa Māori approach to swimming confidence. The
moon phases influences the lesson plans each week, which are tailored according to the maramataka.
The maramataka resource focusses on narratives relatable to the lived experiences of māmā, pēpi and
whānau to help guide them in further understanding and connecting to te taiao and its influence on us as
Māori. Throughout the lessons our whānau are not only learning about swimming confidence, they are
connecting with the water, learning their pepeha, waiata and karakia while also learning the fundamentals
of swimming through a māori world view and way of life.

  • Tomairangi Higgins (Healthy Families East Cape)

    Tomairangi Higgins

    Healthy Families East Cape
Changing Social AwarenessInland water assessments using ActiveXchange data integrations
Josh CarmineMichael Clinton

Drowning Prevention Auckland is at the forefront of drowning prevention efforts for inland waters,
complementing coastal assessments conducted by Surf Life Saving New Zealand. The primary objective
of hazard assessments is to provide councils thorough understanding of aquatic risk contained at
environments within their jurisdictions. The partnership with ActiveXchange strengthens our ability to
measure and understand risks in relation to volumes of human movement across large geographical
Assessments identify, and document hazards observed in inland aquatic environments and subsequently
make recommendations to mitigate, resolve, or minimize risks for the safety of the public who frequent
these areas.
Our approach involves conducting desk audits of the sites, cross-referencing available data with tools
such as Google Earth, ArcGIS, and ActiveXChange. Subsequently, assessors visit the site, capturing
relevant photographs of all areas, documenting signage, checking access/egress points, measuring water
temperature, recording coordinates, collecting anecdotes from members of the public/site users and
noting all observed hazards. Assessors also consider hazards during various water levels, including low
and high tides or times of flooding. A comprehensive report is then compiled and presented to the local
council, which includes recommendations to enhance safety of site-users.
Insights gained from the assessments are utilised to inform decisions, amend infrastructure, implement
appropriate and compliant signage. The outcomes of our hazard assessments have empowered councils
to take meaningful action. Councils have also embraced recommendations such as vegetation control, the
installation of public rescue equipment, the creation of new pathways and barriers to redirect popular
walking tracks away from hazards, and the integration of hazard information into the Safeswim website.
Over 50 sites have been assessed for Northland, Auckland, Christchurch, Queenstown, Whangarei, and
Hamilton. All sites have implemented recommendations following the hazard assessments, leading to
safer recreational environments.

  • Josh Carmine (Aquatic Research Educator at Drowning Prevention Auckland)

    Josh Carmine

    Aquatic Research Educator at Drowning Prevention Auckland
  • Michael Clinton (Customer Success Manager - APAC at ActiveXchange)

    Michael Clinton

    Customer Success Manager - APAC at ActiveXchange
WORKSHOP Trainers ToolkitGrowing the pool lifeguard trainers resources
Donna HooperMatthew Stockton

Te Mahi Ako invites you to join us for a collaborative workshop dedicated to the exchange of ideas, tools
and resources used to train pool lifeguards. We will explore the following questions:
What tools and resources do you currently use?
What tools and resources are you willing to share with others?
What tools and resources do you need?
What does the future of training lifeguards look like?
Our aim for this workshop is to collate ideas, tools, resources to share with everyone to support the
training of pool lifeguards in a consistent manner. We will also be sharing some valuable tips and tricks to
add to your trainer’s toolkit.

  • Donna Hooper (Te Mahi Ako)

    Donna Hooper

    Te Mahi Ako
  • Matthew Stockton (Te Mahi Ako)

    Matthew Stockton

    Te Mahi Ako
Wā Kai/Lunch

Exhibition Hall - Ground Floor

WORKSHOP Trainers Toolkitcontinued
Donna HooperMatthew Stockton

Te Mahi Ako invites you to join us for a collaborative workshop dedicated to the exchange of ideas, tools
and resources used to train pool lifeguards. We will explore the following questions:
What tools and resources do you currently use?
What tools and resources are you willing to share with others?
What tools and resources do you need?
What does the future of training lifeguards look like?
Our aim for this workshop is to collate ideas, tools, resources to share with everyone to support the
training of pool lifeguards in a consistent manner. We will also be sharing some valuable tips and tricks to
add to your trainer’s toolkit.

  • Donna Hooper (Te Mahi Ako)

    Donna Hooper

    Te Mahi Ako
  • Matthew Stockton (Te Mahi Ako)

    Matthew Stockton

    Te Mahi Ako
PANEL & WORKSHOP Aquatics in Hot WaterSafety in Teams
Amy CarterKirsty KnowlesJack Milford QSMTracey Prince-PuketapuLiz Van Deventer

Recreation Aotearoa

  • Amy Carter (Community Pools Manager - Karori Pool at Wellington City Council)

    Amy Carter

    Community Pools Manager - Karori Pool at Wellington City Council
  • Kirsty Knowles (CLM)

    Kirsty Knowles

  • Jack Milford QSM (Managing Director of OPSEC)

    Jack Milford QSM

    Managing Director of OPSEC
  • Tracey Prince-Puketapu (Recreation Aotearoa)

    Tracey Prince-Puketapu

    Recreation Aotearoa
  • Liz Van Deventer (Group Health & Safety Manager at Belgravia Health & Leisure Group)

    Liz Van Deventer

    Group Health & Safety Manager at Belgravia Health & Leisure Group
Make an Even Bigger SplashFuture development of the Manu World Champs
Rob Hewitt

Rob Hewitt - WSNZ & Kia Maanu Kia Ora

  • Rob Hewitt (WSNZ and Kia Maanu Kia Ora)

    Rob Hewitt

    WSNZ and Kia Maanu Kia Ora
Closing KeynoteLeading our Youth
Devon Murphy-Davids

Devon Murphy-Davids - Inspirational Stories

  • Devon Murphy-Davids (Inspiring Stories)

    Devon Murphy-Davids

    Inspiring Stories
Conference Wrap Up and Waves 2025 announcement
Pre-Dinner DrinksSponsored by Jonas Leisure/Ezidebit

Town Hall Foyer

Aquatics Awards Gala DinnerThe Future

Town Hall