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Field Trips will be held on Friday 31 May. These will all finish no later than 3pm at Christchurch Airport. Please do let us know if you have any accessibility requirements when confirming your spot, some of these may include light-moderate activity. Field Trip pricing is $110+GST.

If you have already registered and would like to add a field trip, please add another registration under your name and select the field trip ticket you would like. Otherwise you can add this on when you register for conference. Any queries to

Field Trip One

Tākaro - Embracing Shoestring Play

Get ready to breeze through the city, passing by Gapfiller activations like the Chch giant swing, and dive into sensory delights at Pioneer Stadium's revamped entrance. We'll explore community resilience and accessibility on a budget at Barrington playground before delving into the Red Zone's natural wonders and flexibility allowing youth and community ranger activations. From a child-designed space in a community garden to a co-designed playground at a school, every stop offers excitement and inspiration when funds are limited, or community involvement is crucial. We will unveil The Green Lab's new nature play space and hear from community members who helped to bring these play various invitations to life. Pack your curiosity—we're set for an adventure like no other!

Field Trip Two

Manaaki Tangata – Responsible Use of Budget in a Changing Sports Ground Environment

Our journey kicks off at Lancaster Park, where Canterbury's sporting legacy meets post-earthquake resilience. We'll witness the transformation from stadium to community space, including the planned restoration of historic gates. Following the Heathcote River corridor, we'll delve into the Flockton Basin's earthquake impact and innovative stormwater basin solutions, like Ngā Puna Wai, which not only combats flooding but also nurtures a thriving sports facility. At Ngā Puna Wai, home to various sports, we'll uncover the intricacies behind its smooth operation and witness a rain garden in full bloom. Lastly, we'll step into the newly minted Christchurch Netball Stadium, where the project team will unveil the design and construction journey. Join us as we navigate through history, innovation, and community outcomes! 

Field Trip Three

Manaaki Whenua - Conservation Expedition

We will traverse through various Christchurch locales, starting with the Red Zone in New Brighton, where the Avon River Park brims with community aspirations and councils' coastal retreat policies manifest into tangible resilience practices. Next, at Barnett Park, we'll witness the aftermath of earthquakes, exploring EQ rockfall restoration and meeting Geotech experts to understand landscape safety protocols. Amidst managing environmental risks, we'll delve into rebuilding damaged structures harmoniously within natural environs. Then, our path leads to confronting climate change and sea-level rise along the coastal pathway, unravelling the practicality of council's retreat policies. Evans Pass Roading awaits, showcasing post-earthquake road formations, while Cass Bay Steadfast reveals heritage park restoration amidst challenges like asbestos. Along the Head-to-Head walkway, we'll confront coastal erosion and cliff collapses, witnessing nature's resilience in the face of adversity. The harbour side route to Living Springs will enable us to review the variety of Community and Runanga managed restoration projects under way across the city and peninsula.

Finally, our expedition concludes with a poignant study of El Nino's climate impact and post-fire recoveries, exemplified by CAP and Port Hills Fires. The return to the city includes a visit to some large-scale storm water retentions projects which showcase Christchurch City Council's six values approach to surface water management, addressing not only drainage issues, but also enhancing cultural, ecological, recreation, landscape and heritage values.

Join us on this voyage of environmental stewardship and renewal!